Friday, August 19, 2011

kali pertama bergaduh

29 &30.06.2011
was the first time he scold me. who else? mr.hafiz.
why? i admit was my mistake.
because of i left my handphone (celcom) in his car. i dont noticed it. he read up my message with my friend. just friend. he become angry because my friend text me with 'ayat2jiwang".

disebabkan tu..kami bergaduh.yg peliknye,bukn gduh gile2dia membebel..katanya aku xkenang jasa dia..xhargai apa yg dia buat.hurmm..puas aku terangkan yg kitorg cuma nk wat cmner kn...

so,dia mebebel,aku diam.
alih2..dia kata aku mrh dia plak.hahaha...
at the end,kitorg berbaik semula.dn dia tlh mcadangkn supaya kami lbh cpt disatukan..
knp ek??aduh la...


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