Friday, February 26, 2010
keep..keep thinking..
Thursday, February 25, 2010
i highlight her words:
dont afraid to ask and dont afraid to make mistake.learn from boths. that would make you a better person ;-)
is that true?
Amer, my old friend of my friend just add me at facebook. He scolds at me. He said how can I smile like that at my profile picture? Haha. I also don’t know how I can smile like that. He said that I would be look sweet and nice when I smile like that. Owh..i really hope that I can always smile like that. But how?? gonna crazy..
my new hp--- MYIMAN D818
Dear diary.. I forgot to tell you something. I brought new hand phone! Hahaha. It is MYIMAN, model D818. I love it! Although some person said my hand phone only have 1.3 megapixels camera. I don’t care about that! Because I not the kind of person that like to be in picture. Huhu. I bought it on one day before semester 4 start.on 2 february 2010.

the black one us mine..
antara ciri2 handphone ni..
-bacaan al-quran 30 juzuk & teks berwarna Rasam Othmani
-28 terjemahan bahasa termasuk bahasa melayu dan inggeris
-11 buah kitab hadis termasuk Sahih-Bukhari, Sahih-Muslim, Sahih Abi-Daud, Sahih Ibnu Majah dan lain-lain
-waktu solat, azan dan kiblat mengikut daerah di Malaysia dan bandar-bandar utama luar negara
Ciri-ciri telefon:
-skrin sesentuh TFT Lcd berserta pen sesentuh
-mp3 dan mp4
-video player(3gp)
-2 sim kad 2 band
-stereo speaker
-warranty 1 tahun
-external sd card slot
Monday, February 22, 2010
i just get this from wikipedia..
Hyperhidrosis can either be generalized or localized to specific parts of the body. Hands, feet, armpits, and the groin area are among the most active regions of perspiration due to the relatively high concentration of sweat glands; however, any part of the body may be affected.
Hyperhidrosis can also be classified depending on if it is a congenital or acquired trait. Primary hyperhidrosis is found to start during adolescence or even before and seems to be inherited as an autosomal dominant genetic trait. Primary hyperhidrosis must be distinguished from secondary hyperhidrosis, which can start at any point in life. The latter form may be due to a disorder of the thyroid or pituitary gland, diabetes mellitus, tumors, gout, menopause, certain drugs, or mercury poisoning.
Hyperhidrosis may be also divided into palmoplantar (symptomatic sweating of primarily the hands or feet), gustatory or generalized hyperhidrosis.[1]
Alternatively, hyperhydrosis may be classified according to the amount of skin that is affected and its possible causes.[2]:700 In this approach, excessive sweating in an area that is greater than 100 cm2 (up to generalized sweating of the entire body) is differentiated from sweating that affects only a small area.
asthma attack again..

Midterm break What I do during midterm break? Just stay at home. Eat and sleep. Huhu. My hobby! But, unfortunately I was admit to asthma bay on Monday. hmm.. im tired to take medicine everyday. i felt sad that i cannot be like the normal person. i dont want give any burden to my parents anymore. i dont want them feel worry and sad think about me here. i dont want!!
i cried when i think about my health. i have asthma since i was in kindergarden. and i know that i also have migrain. and lastly, i know that i also have hyperhidrosis. what is hiperhidrosis? i will tell you later.
thinking of this make me worry to face upcoming days..
make me started to cry and feel uncomfortable to face with others.
dear diary...
Dear beloved diary.. Sorry for ignoring you for a long time.. I missed u so much. Where else can I share my life? Only you.. now.. I will post several entry. Start from my trip to kuantan until today.
It was the trip that I involve as bureaus activities. I know that I not giving much help in organize this trip. Sorry geng.. I try but I know I am not good enough.
It was a fun trip! Although there was so many person critique the organizer but at the end, they also said that they enjoy the trip. We enjoy walking at the beach and play with the wave. I will remember the moments. Sweet moments. I hope we can feel the moments again.
We go there on 3rd until 5th February 2010.
And… on 6th feb, we have team building at FRIM. Nice location. I enjoy the environment there..